Welcome to Beech

Teacher Cate Sadler-Barker
Photo of Cate Sadler-Barker

Welcome to Beech class!

Beech is a class of 10 students with diverse needs and abilities. They are supported by five members of staff. We use a total communication approach; this includes SingAlong, symbols and verbal, to communicate our wishes, needs, feelings and knowledge.
We follow a broad curriculum which consists of formal learning in a wide range of subjects (English, Maths, Science, PSHE, Art, Computing, DT, Humanities, MFL, Music, PE) alongside an informal curriculum which includes various therapies (hydro, music, sensory) and support around our EHCP outcomes.
We also follow a PfAL (Preparing for Adult Life) curriculum, which encourages independence and competency in a wide range of life skills. This is supported by our weekly visits to the Patch and our regular visits around the local community.
All class activities are differentiated and tailored to meet individual needs and interests, meaning the pupils are happy to learn, they have lots of fun and allows them to readily build their confidence in many areas.


Beech Timetable – Summer Term 1 – 23/24

Curriculum Information for Parents. Summer Term 1 23/24
SubjectProfile - FamiliesIdeas for home
EnglishWe will be learning to write a poem on Families. In our reading lessons we will be gaining inspiration and ideas during our visits to the library. We will be listening to, reading and looking at poems, stories and non fictional books as part of our research. We will also read a book/watch a film about families and look at the characters and copare situations in the book, with our own. We will continue with our 1:1 reading sessions throughout the week and learning/practising new sounds during our daily phonics lessons (except Thursday). Can you find a photo of someone in your family and bring it into school? What words will you use to describe them? Play a game at home – do an impression of a family member, of say words that describe what they look like and how they behave. Can you guess who they are? Read your Rhino book at home – which member of the family will you read to (don’t forget to include the animals, they love listening to stories!).
MathsWe will be following the White Rose Maths scheme. The topics will include ‘Building 9 and 10’, ‘Exploring 3-D shapes’, and ‘Place value to 50’ and ‘Time’. Each lesson pupils will complete a carousel of activities to support their learning in these areas. We will be applying the skills we have learny, to everyday life by singing songs and solving problems.I will inform you which topic your child is covering. Select the correct topic and complete the activities: Place value to 50 – where can you see the numerals 0 – 50? Look around when you are out and about. Ask your family members their ages – do they fit in this range of numbers? Time - Plus keep an eyen what time you do certain things, e.g. have dinner, get home, leave the house for school. Can you make your own timetable for the weekend, with timings? Building 9 and 10 – when you are out and about look for the numerals 0 -10. Can you count 0 – 10 items, e.g. plates on the table, chips on your plate, cars parked on the road? Can you write these numbers down? When you play a game with a dice to practice subitising. Can you spot any 3D shapes in the home. How many can you find?
PSHE and Citizenship This half term we will be looking at Crime and punishment, and the Justice system. We will be finding out what is a crime, why young people might comit a crime and what happens if they do? A local policeman will be visiting class to help us learn more about this. Alongside crime in the real world we will be finding out about crime online. We will set up a mock trial listening to evidence and decide whether the accused is guilty and what punishment they should receive! Make posters alerting people to the dangers online. Research where to get help – even if for them this might be as simple as telling their family or a teacher. Create some guidelines about how to be safe online and who to tell, and how to tell them if they are concerned. Can you pick up any top tips from older members of your family around online safety?
MusicWe will be learning to identify the pulse in different pieces of music and understand what is meant by pulse or steady beat. We will also be kearning how different tempos evoke different emotions, and how different pieces of music make us feel.When you listen to music at home see if you can find the pulse. Will you clap, stomp your feet or move your whole body? Do other members of your family want to join in? Can you identify the different moods in the sounds you listen to? How do the they make you feel?
PEThis half term we will be focusing on our athletics skills; running, jumping and throwing. We will be measuring our performance, and comparing this with others. We will be looking at how we can improve our scores each time, and then reflecting on these.Can you build an obstacle course in the garden to practise these skills? Can you run around the edge of the garden? Hop along the stepping stones? Can you throw the ball for your dog (or someone else in your family)?
PfAL (Preparing for Adult Life) We will be using the ASDAN Transition programme to support our learning in this area. We will be focusing on four specific areas; Employment (work experience, trips, etc) Independent living (cooking, laundry, chores, money management), Being as healthy as possible (hygiene, PSHE, RSE), and being part of the community (trips, voluntary work etc). This half term’s focus will be ‘Making Choices’. During our trips we will be making some healthy choices when shopping and visiting play areas. We will also be looking at our mental health by visiting places that support our wellbeing. Please let me know how you got on with any similar activities to these at home, so we can celebrate your successes with the class. This could be communicated via a note in the diary or email any photos to Miss S-B.
Art dayWe are going to spend the day learning about Andy Wahol and gaining inspiration from his bright and colourful work to create our own personalised pop art. When looking at photos of your family at home, imagine Andy Wahol used it to transform into a piece of art. What colours would he use for each feature? Can you create your own Andy Wahol inspired artwork at home, based on someone in the family? If so, please bring it in to show us!
DT Independent Living & Being Healthy (Linked with food safety & hygiene) Led by Nikki W We will have the opportunity to use the Learning Kitchen. We will be making a simple healthy snack. This half term will include understanding some rules of food hygiene & how to store food safely. When at home or in the community continue to look at items that are linked health, safety & hygiene in the kitchen. For example, aprons, washing up liquid, clean tea towels. Read the labels on some food items to check that they are being stored correctly
MFL Led by Nikki W This half term we will be starting our new topic – Germany. We will be looking at some simple greetings and learn how to say them & write them in German. We will have fun learning some different words for the different colours in German through songs and games. We hope to try a German biscuit, as a reward for our hard work!At home, can you make a link with Germany? Consider doing your own research. Explore where you might want to go on holiday in Germany. How would you get there? What would you do when you were there? Research some famous cities such as Munich, Frankfurt & Dusseldorf. What would you eat – look up some traditional foods?
Geography Led by Nikki W We will be studying contrasting areas of the British Isles, with a focus on urban and rural. We will be taking a closer look at London, locating it on maps and looking at how to describe the buildings and key features found in this city. We will then look at some rural areas and note some of the differences, including the buildings, sights & sounds. We will finish this topic with a day trip to a local town (Sheringham) and a rural area (Felbrigg) so that we can experience some of these features for ourselves.. When at home consider doing your own research about a city found in the UK. Does the city have a mix of old & modern buildings? Which do you prefer? Name 1 building that you would like to visit and explain why.
RE day Led by Nikki W We will be having a focused day (23.05.2024) to explore some aspects of Sikhism. It will include looking at concepts and beliefs. There will be the opportunity to create a drink that is found within the Sikh community. We will be looking at artefacts linked with this religion and learning about the 5 K’sWhen at home or in the community, can you find any links to Sikhism. Consider doing your own research and let us know what you have learnt.
EHCP/PLGs In this session we will be working on our EHCP targets. Pupils will have the opportunity to take part in a variety of activities to support their current PLGs (Personal Learning Goals). What will you choose to do; SignAlong choir, cook or play board/playground games with their peers or take part in our Puberty workshops?Look at your current PLGs (please ask Miss S-B if you would like a copy of these to be sent home). Which ones could you work on at home? Do you need any resources to support you with this? Please ask the adults in class for anything that you may need.
We would love to hear about anything that you have done at home and celebrate this with the class. Please email any photos to Miss S-B (csadlerbar8rrf@nsix.org.uk), or pop a note in the diary.